How To Trick People Into Actually Reading Your Email


I am a huge emailer I send emails to my coworkers daily. I am not easily fooled either; I am aware that not everyone reads what I have to say. Even though I think they should embrace every word I speak I know they just quickly scroll through it to remove the notification. I will admit that I am guilty of this from time to time as well.

So you want to know my secret?

Let's play a game. Which do you prefer?

A. Sugar, Honey & Lollipops
B. Budget Meeting 7 AM

Which one sounds more appealing? Which one would you click on first? If you opt for letter A congrats! I'll Venmo you later. I know letter A isn't "professional" but when you are just sending this to the handful of department coworkers this grabs their attention more. It makes them more willing to read it because it is "fun" and "inviting". It is all about the way you word it.

Obviously, I would not send "Unicorns and Rainbows" as a subject to the CEO, but to my colleagues in the same department as me, HELL YEAH! I call it positive reinforcement.

-Positive Reinforcement- (N). Translated from Maddie's brain- If I give you a cookie you will give me my results. It is being passive aggressive while also being a pal at the same time.

Once you open the trap you are now locked in. 

As soon as the email is opened it is discovered that the email isn't full of sunshine and sugar, but instead reminding you of the meeting that is coming up the following week.

I am allowing you to borrow my wisdom...I am sure that when you start using fun, and witty responses you will soon receive more responses.

I receive Thank Yous through the Starbuck's app.

Ok, I am outttttt!



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